Child Rights And You (2010-2015)

CRY Mumbai supported the project “Ensure universal access to free, equitable quality education for children” from 2010 to 2015. This project was implemented in Lundra Block of Surguja district of Chhattisgarh. It focused on the primary education of Pahari Korwas, one of the Particularly Vulnerable Tribal Groups (PVTGs) in Chhattisgarh. It helped in bringing awareness among the target community especially on children’s education. It made parents realize that education is as important as the livelihood of the family. A study was conducted to understand why Pahari Korwas were educationally backward. Based on the findings an action plan was made to educate Pahari Korwa children in schooling going age. It also helped the community to understand the rights of children in their childhood. Children’s Panchayats were organised to listen to them and to strategize their progress. Along with primary education, the project also dealt with health care issues like immunization, malnutrition, and general health and hygiene of children. The community was mobilized to get all the government schemes for children so that get children maximum benefit from them.