the marginalized

tomorrow with education

& Better Livelihood

during Emergency
Rolling Invitation for Empanelment of Consultants
Consultants having expertise in the area of Education and Health on development of IEC Material, Learning Materials for CBSE Curriculum and Chhattisgarh State Curriculum, Menstrual Health and Hygiene are requested to send their CVs and work profile to us on our contact address or email the same to punam@sjvs.in. As per the need suitable candidates will be contacted.

Menstrual Health & Hygiene (MHH) Campaign
Menstrual Health and Hygiene Campaign is undertaken to facilitate women and adolescent girls to adopt proper Menstrual Management through counseling, interface with Doctors, etc. ensuring behavioral change towards Menstruation. Efforts are also undertaken to engage male members in this drive under campaign “Men and Menstruation (MM)”

Covid Appropriate Behaviour (CAB) Campaign
Covid Appropriate Behaviour Campaign is undertaken by online as well as door to door counseling ensuring that the community regularly adopts practices like hand washing, hand sanitization, social distancing, and mask usage to protect oneself as well as the community. IEC material on this theme is provided to the community along with some food and hygiene kits for the marginalized community.

Right to Education (RTE) Campaign
Right to Education Campaign is undertaken to ensure that the children don’t drop out from school and graduate to the next class as well as successfully complete their basic education. Under it focus is also laid upon the nutrition of young children so that they grow as healthy and strong human beings.